DannyHO — Binary Eclipse

Слушать DannyHO — Binary Eclipse

Текст DannyHO — Binary Eclipse

Binary Eclipse

Neon veins pulse, secrets hide
Metal echoes whisper despair
Glitched heartbeat seeks release
Zeros yearn for peace

Binary Eclipse, sparks ignite
Guitar strings scream, shadows take flight
Lost in the circuitry, we collide

A symphony of chaos, amplified

Voltage surges through our veins
Electric dreams, a digital domain
In this binary dance, we find our way
Where rock meets pop, night turns to day

Binary Eclipse, sparks ignite
Binary Eclipse, sparks ignite
Guitar strings scream, shadows take flight
Lost in the circuitry, we collide
A symphony of chaos, amplified

And as the last note fades into the void
We ride the waves of sound, unexplored
Binary Eclipse, our anthem, our creed
Where rock and pop converge, we bleed