Seven wooden flutes
A little train that toots
And a tiny acorn
For Emilio
A game of dominos
And of tic-tac-toe
Multi-colored string
And an Aztec ring
That’s for Sophie dear
Postcards from Nepal
Seventeen in all
And a Russian doll
Seven silver bells
Abalone shells
Copper coins from China
A butterfly cocoon
Pictures of the moon
And a silver spoon
An ink pot and a quill
On the windowsill
From a bygone age
‘Friendship has no price’
Written neat and nice
On a grain of rice
In a gospel book
Hiding in a nook
Was a pretty flower
Calming, sweet perfume
From the brittle bloom
Filled the tiny room
And a few short lines
From a book of rhymes
On the afterlife
‘Cause it’s good for you
A spot where you can brew
A pot of tea for two
Pining for the sun
A prism had been hung
Over by the window
Dancing in the light
Dazzling and bright
Seven hues alight
On a parchment page
Yellowing with age
Were the words: ‘I love you’
I love you, I do
I’ll come back to you
When you need me to