Bob goes to church every Sunday Every Sunday that the fish ain’t bitin’ Bob never has to have dinner with the preacher ‘Cause Bob never bothered getting married He likes to drink a beer or two every now and again He always had more dogs than he ever had friends Bob ain’t light in the loafers He might kneel but he never bends over
Bob takes care of his mama She’s the only one he lets call him Robert She don’t drive anymore so he takes her to the store And keeps her yard looking just like she wants it Every week at the beauty shop Bob’s mama hears Of another woman’s made another man disappear Robert ain’t exactly scared of women He’s just got his own way of livin’
Bob’s still got an antenna on a pole Two channels come in, two more come and go He used to watch the news but he don’t anymore Ain’t none of it new, it’s the same as before He figures all any of it’s any good for Is keeping every bored ’til there ain’t nobody like Bob anymore
Bob takes care of his mama She’s a mess but he feels like he oughta How big a mess today? Ask Bob, he’ll say «She’s a big ‘un and she’s gonna be a lotta» He likes to drink a beer or two every now and again He always had more dogs than he ever had friends Bob ain’t light in the loafers He might kneel but he never bends over