Deerhoof — The Moose’s Daughter

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Текст Deerhoof — The Moose’s Daughter

Slippy, sloppy, hoofa, tippy, toppy, floppy
Foot, a foot
Slippy, sloppy, hoofa, tippy, toppy, floppy
Foot, a foot

Now the moose’s daughter
Searching for the water far away
Now the moose’s father
Searching for the daughter far away
Circling, searching

Round and round
Slippy, sloppy, hoofa, tippy, toppy, floppy
Foot, a foot
Slippy, sloppy, hoofa, tippy, toppy, floppy
Foot, a foot

Now the moose’s daughter
Searching for the water far away
Now the moose’s father
Searching for the daughter far away
Each one circling

The same trail
Tippy, toppy, floppy
Tippy, toppy, floppy
Searching for the water
Tippy, toppy, floppy

Now the moose’s daughter
Searching for the daughter far away
(Searching for the daughter
Searching for the water)
Far away