You’re going backwards into time
To find a future so divine
Outdated, overrated, complicated, so frustrated
Won’t you open up your mind
Cause there’s a way that you can find
An inner peace with out a war
His blind disgust that you adore
Your following blindly baby, your eating right outta their hands
As you swallow communion gladly, you extinguish intelligence right on
This, this is my time where I can live and be free
This, this is my mind, I’m not a slave, your deity
I will resist complicity
Your following blindly baby, your eating right outta their hands
As you swallow communion gladly, you extinguish intelligence right on
Point your finger at me, I am not righteous as thee
Point your finger at me, I am not one of your sheep
Point your finger at me, I’ll never run blind for «HE»
Point your finger at me, I’ll fucking clip that bitch off of your
complacent hand