You’re playing with matches, Got paper cuts from paper planes, And endless majesty Within the patter of the rain.
Your hatred is weakness, Your carelessness is no mistake. There’s no stupidity Within the chances that you take.
And it feels like endless night, And it feels like jealous rage, Setting all the clothes alight, I am learning, I’m still learning. All our horses have been shot, All our aces have been played, Setting fire to paper planes, I am learning, I’m still learning.
You show me the exiles With paper cups and paper plates, There’s endless majesty Within the chances that they take.
And it feels like endless night, And it feels like jealous rage, Setting all the clothes alight, I am learning, I’m still learning. All our horses have been shot, All our aces have been played, Setting fire to paper planes, I am learning, I’m still learning.