In the haze of darkness I remember it like yesterday Someone I once used to be And then it fades away I feel it around the corner A thought I never had I see it in the mirror And the reflections make me sad
It’s a smoke like no other A scent I can not smell A story I vaguely remember With words I can not tell
And then like the morning When I find myself awake A dream that has faded gone Was it my mistake?
But like the ripple of the waves It fades away like mist And so I keep on searching For what I just might be
Looking under every rock Until I finally will see
And in the darkness there is light The truth becomes all clear The words of wisdom answer me What I seek is near
In a cave I find it Dusty, dark, and old The memories returning My story can be told
Reality is fleeting My loved ones fade away But of that which I have seen The memories will stay