Riviera Paradise — Free Yourself at Last

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Текст Riviera Paradise — Free Yourself at Last

With this heart of gold
Now you’re out to fall
Son,that is a journey

Wanna a eulogy?
Be a good old scam
You’re gonna like it?

Wonders in despair
Crawl out from under there
You will soon feel grand
So stand out there

Time to turn around
Flee this gloomy day
You don’t have to tear yourself from your life

Yours is one to share
Tread and dare
Just let down your hair

There is two lovers here
Spreading out their arms
Road is not a nightmare

Peal off or die
Three years as a soldier
Rings in your head at night

Who would have gone this far
And bring back from the dead
Jimmy can you dare to dare now?

Who would not be torn?
Reeking of fear now
You’d better love yourself better for you now

I will strip you bare
You’d better look ahead
Run still while you can

Vision of doubt
You think you’ll drown?
We are trying to live for a reason
Don’t give up till you’ve lit
The light you long for
Reasons yet to glow,is here

Free yourself at last
Free yourself

Your sunrise
Will be there always
Till you find a way

There’ll be other days
Wake up,do your thing
Are you gonna dare