Слушать MONTVAILLANT — Enough


I am enough, we are enough
This is enough, we’ve got enough

I love my life, it’s all ahead of me
The roads that I can take, no foreboding sense of destiny
No limits, no constraints; no god and no master
No need for restraint and no sticking plaster
No messages of hate just the wind in my hair
The breeze on my face and a willingness to dare
The warmth of the sun, the starlings in the trees
The coming signs of spring and no-one else to please

I am enough, we are enough
This is enough, we’ve got enough

When nothing’s written down, there’s so much to embrace
Life is what you make it and it starts from your birthplace
The notes pencilled in the margin should disappear without trace
This is not a time to bargain but to relax and join the race
The quick passage of time can bring the biggest men to heel
As spring soon turns to summer and the years quickly reveal

I am enough, we are enough
This is enough, we’ve got enough

I am enough, we are enough
This is enough, we’ve got enough