Clamavi De Profundis — Winterdeep

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Текст Clamavi De Profundis — Winterdeep

The snows fall in silence
On our fallen fathers
The white cloaks the violence
That fell on winter deep

The shadows are growing
Stretched from dark horizons
The bright stars are glowing
On the souls of winter deep

Begin now the vigil
Strike alight the torches
Illumine the sigil
Of the king of winter deep

Prepare now in gladness
The feast of yearly passage
Drive out gloom and sadness
From the halls of winter deep

Fill the hall with gladsome song
Shake the stones with voices strong
Line now the mine with boughs of life
Free the mind and soul from strife

Where winter’s power has lost its hold
And mighty heroes tales are told
Where death and darkness, ice and cold
Shall shrink from homes and hearts so bold

Make up the fire of hearty glow
Where tankard and table overflow
Love of the brethren unified
The kingdom of the hammer’s pride

The snows settle gravely
On the northern mountain
A top dwarves who bravely
Paid the price for winter deep

We reverence their glory
By our yearly passage
We retell their story
All the dwarves of winter deep